You need more than the web to print Online Ordering System to generate printing orders online. What you really need are the Print Shop Management system for retail customers and the digital asset management system for corporate customers.
Retail customers expect the following
Therefore, what Retail customers expect is easy to use web to print shop.
Corporate Customers, however, understand and expect complete web-to-print solutions:
Therefore, what corporate customers really need is complete digital asset management.
Before setting up web to print Store front, you will notice that there are certain expectations, which are common to both retail and corporate clients such as Online design tools to create new designs (Retail customer), the facility to carry out minor modifications (Corporate Customer), Online Proofing, Online Ordering System, and to some extent, product personalization.
The main difference is that Retail customers generally need only a single login and password to manage their limited printing tasks. Since their orders will generally not be very frequent, you can easily manage them through your online web to print shop. You cannot run the same Store front to manage your corporate customers who send you frequent orders in large quantities from different locations. What you need to provide your corporate customers is dedicated digital asset management access to allow them to control and manage the online ordering system. You will need to offer them a dedicated admin control web to print solution so that all the activities they manage from the Online Ordering System are visible to you in a Single Admin, using which you can control both retail and corporate orders.
It is very important to understand this before ordering any web to print solution. At Flexi web2print, we understand this very well and have separate inbuilt modules to cater to corporate customers. Check Here: